최근 노루궁뎅이버섯(H. erinaceus)의 다양한 효능에 대한 연구결과가 발표되면서 노루궁뎅이버섯의 소비는 점진적으로 확대되고 있는 추세이다. 노루궁뎅이버섯의 안정적인 생산을 위해 발이유도방법에 따른 버섯발생양상을 조사한 결과는 다음과 같았다. 수확기간은 표면상처를 낸 처리구가 상면상처를 낸 처리구보다 빨랐으며, 수확량은 생체중에는 차이가 없었으나 2주기 수확버섯의 건물중에서는 차이가 있었다. 2주기버섯의 재발생률은 T5처리구가 가장 높았으며, 상면처리구보다 표면상처를 낸 처리구에서 재발생률이 높은 것으로 조사되어 현재 노루궁뎅이버섯 재배농가에서 느타리버섯 재배방식에 준하여 시행하고 있는 방식인 상면 균긁기 후 발이를 유도하는 방법은 개선되어야 할 것으로 판단할 수 있었다. 노루궁뎅이버섯의 형태적 특징은 T5처리구가 가장 큰 덩어리형태로 생장하여 상품가치가 높다고 판단할 수 있었다. 【In recent years, Hericium erinaceus became famous for comsumer because it contains some materials to assist in human health. This study was carried out to find the difference of occurring pattern of H. erinaceus by pinheading induction methods. Harvest period of T1, T2 treatments were longer than T3~T6. All treatments fresh weights were not significantly different, but T3, T6 treatments's dry weight in 2nd flush were lower than others. T5 treatment's 2nd flush's regeneration rate was the highest than others and looks best quality. Therefore, it is suggested that pinheading induction method would be changed not T1, T2 treatment which were used some farm as Pluerotus ostreatus cultivation, but to scratch surface method which is T5 treatment for cultivation of high quality H. erinaceus.】
Jun-Ho Kim.
Biological Activities of Water Extract and Solvent Fractions of an Edible Mushroom, Hericium erinaceus
T. Lee,et al.
Immuno-stimulating and Antitumor Effects on Mouse Sarcoma 180 by Crude Polysaccharides Extracted from Fruiting Body of Hericium erinaceus
K. Ka,et al.
Comparative Study on the Sawdust Cultivation and the Antioxidants of Hericium spp.
Hyuk-Gu Park,et al.
Mycelial Growth and Fruiting Body Formation of Hericium erinaceum in Sawdust and Agricultural By-product Substrates
T. Mizuno,et al.
Antitumor-active polysaccharides isolated from the fruiting body of Hericium erinaceum, an edible and medicinal mushroom called yamabushitake or houtou.
Bioscience, biotechnology, and biochemistry.