RIVET: Rapid Interactive Visualization for Extensible Training

The new NASA mandate calls for missions of unprecedented remoteness and duration while human capabilities remain relatively fixed. The RIVET team (Penn, Orbitec, and NASA JSC) is to develop computer based integrated training and instruction tools that are visually intuitive, easily authorable, and adaptable to user skill level and context. The goal is to improve reliability in executing instructions by a crew with limited training, especially for critical tasks in nominal and emergency situations. Comments Postprint version. Presented at Habitation 2006, February 2006. Publisher URL: http://taskbook.nasaprs.com/publication/ index.cfm?action=public_query_taskbook_contentT others consume materials. RIVET can inventory items used and track time taken to perform procedure steps. Most instructions in the ACLS algorithm include yes/no questions; RIVET allows users to look ahead to the next instructions before choosing an answer. Training mode includes sample patients and their symptoms. A user can practice procedures and algorithm navigation with the same interface as used in a real world setting. This provides better familiarity with the system and better use of the tool. A PowerPoint presentation of RIVET is available on the web via http://hms.upenn.edu/RIVET/.