The Handbook of Data Mining

Contents: G. Salvendy, Foreword. N. Ye, Preface. Part I:Methodologies of Data Mining. J. Gehrke, Decision Trees. G.I. Webb, Association Rules. J. Si, B.J. Nelson, G.C. Runger, Artificial Neural Network Models for Data Mining. C.M. Borror, Statistical Analysis of Normal and Abnormal Data. D. Madigan, G. Ridgeway, Bayesian Data Analysis. S.L. Scott, Hidden Markov Processes and Sequential Pattern Mining. G. Ridgeway, Strategies and Methods for Prediction. D.W. Apley, Principal Components and Factor Analysis. E. Ip, I. Cadez, P. Smyth, Psychometric Methods of Latent Variable Modeling. J. Ghosh, Scalable Clustering. G. Das, D. Gunopulos, Time Series Similarity and Indexing. Y-C. Lai, Z. Liu, N. Ye, T. Yalcinkaya, Nonlinear Time Series Analysis. B-H. Park, H. Kargupta, Distributed Data Mining. Part II:Management of Data Mining. D. Pyle, Data Collection, Preparation, Quality, and Visualization. T. Wu, X. Li, Data Storage and Management. H. Liu, L. Yu, H. Motoda, Feature Extraction, Selection, and Construction. S.M. Weiss, T. Zhang, Performance Analysis and Evaluation. C. Clifton, Security and Privacy. R. Grossman, M. Hornick, G. Meyer, Emerging Standards and Interfaces. Part III:Applications of Data Mining. D.A. Nembhard, Mining Human Performance Data. R. Feldman, Mining Text Data. S. Shekhar, R.R. Vatsavai, Mining Geospatial Data. C. Kamath, Mining Science and Engineering Data. M.J. Zaki, Mining Data in Bioinformatics. R. Cooley, Mining Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Data. N. Ye, Mining Computer and Network Security Data. C. Djeraba, G. Fernandez, Mining Image Data. M.C. Testik, G.C. Runger, Mining Manufacturing Quality Data.

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