Some high voltage applications use very fast impulses with rise time less than 100 nanoseconds. Measurements of these impulses are difficult, and a lot of different voltage dividers are used. In many cases, inadequate metrological support of calibrations of these dividers is a problem. In recent years, an etalon for very fast high voltage impulses is missing in the Czech Republic. The future aim of our work is the realization of such a reference divider. However, in the first step, it is necessary to develop suitable very fast high voltage generator, which is the subject of this paper. Realization of a stable very fast high voltage impulse generator with light and relatively low cost construction, and with rise time less than 100 nanosecond, at a voltage level of the order of 100 kV, into a capacitive load representing e.g. tested insulator, is not possible with design of common commercial impulse generators. An important part of the paper is a design of electrical circuit of the very fast impulse generator with a numerical simulation which has done limit parameters of all components of the device. Finally, the impulse generator for voltage up to 100 kilovolts and a rise time less than 50 nanoseconds has been realized. The results of verification measurements in case of two different types of voltage dividers are presented in this paper.
Lei Pang,et al.
3-MV compact very fast transient overvoltage generator for testing ultra-high-voltage gas-insulated switchgear
IEEE Electrical Insulation Magazine.
R.D. Curry,et al.
A Fast, 3MV Marx Generator for Megavolt Oil Switch Testing with an Integrated Abramyan Network Design
2005 IEEE Pulsed Power Conference.
M.M. Kekez.
A 480 joule, 650 kV, <3 ns risetime, 500 ns pulse width compact pulse generator
Digest of Technical Papers. 11th IEEE International Pulsed Power Conference (Cat. No.97CH36127).
M. M. Kekez,et al.
A 60 joule, 600kv, 1ns rise-time marx system
7th Pulsed Power Conference.
Darcy Ramalho de Mello,et al.
The influence of a compact test circuit in the puncture test
Hideo Fujinami,et al.
Development of 1 MV steep-front rectangular-impulse voltage generator
Syed Kazmi.
Measurement Techniques for Impulse Puncture Testing in Air