Laboratory Evaluation of Color Polymer Concrete Pavement with Synthetic Resin Binder for Exclusive Bus Lanes

In the summer of 2005, exclusive bus lanes were constructed in the median of busy streets in Seoul, South Korea, as color polymer concrete pavements with a transparent synthetic resin binder and a red pigment. However, early distresses, such as shoving, potholes, stripping, and rutting have occurred from these color polymer concrete pavements. Potential causes for early distresses from color polymer concrete pavements were investigated: inadequate quality of color polymer concrete, inadequate quality control during construction, and insufficient subgrade support. Historically, polymer concrete mixtures have been designed and evaluated by using predominantly hydraulic cement concrete technology because polymer concretes are used in concrete structures. This paper adopted asphalt mix technology to evaluate polymer concrete for use in a roadway overlay. Laboratory evaluation was performed on color polymer concretes by conducting the following tests: Marshall stability test, indirect tensile strength test, and modified Lottman moisture sensitivity test. These test results of color polymer concrete mixes were significantly more positive than those of typical asphalt mixes, and the mixes met the minimum requirements. On the basis of test results, it can be concluded that the color polymer concrete with a synthetic resin is stronger and less susceptible to moisture than are typical asphalt mixtures.