Post - Theory:: New Directions in Criticism

Part 1 Deja vu: deja vu, Nicholas Royle deconstruction and the "unfinished project of modernity", Christopher Norris post-gender - Jurassic feminism meets queer politics, Patricia Duncker the pleasures of labour - Marxist aesthetics in a post-Marxist world, Anthony Easthope is the novel original? Derrida and modernity, Eric Woehrling Pierre Bourdieu and the chronotopes of "post-theory", Jeremy Lane. Part 2 Inter: inter, Geoffrey Bennington. Part 3 The post-theory condition: English studies in the postmodern condition - towards a place for the signifier, Catherine Belsey Ethopoeia, source study and legal history - a post-theoretical approach to the question of "character" in Shakespearean drama, Lorna Hutson The death drive does not think, Robert Smith "various infinitudes" - narration, embodiment and ontology in Beckett's "How it is" and Spinoza's "Ethics", Alex Houen said after theory - the limits of counterpoint, Charles Forsdick grounding theory - literary theory and the new geography, Julia Murphet. Post-word, Helene Cixous.