Multisensory Spatial Orientation and Localization in Novel Gravitoinertial Force Backgrounds

Abstract : Our aim was to develop quantitative models to predict and prevent errors in spatial orientation and sensory localization during exposure to the novel forces of aerial environments. Most of our effort focused on localization of the subjective vertical. The accomplishments of the project were: (1) we acquired the requisite data to build a three-dimensional model of static vestibular orientation, (2) we built a novel static vestibular orientation model based on biological principles, and (3) we acquired additional data to independently test our model against other models. One model fit our new data as well as all existing data which had been collected in 1 g and in various hyper-g centrifuge experiments. The model made different predictions than every other model about orientation in the yaw axis in hyper-g environments, and this prediction turned out to be correct. Thus, our final model makes the most comprehensive, accurate predictions of orientation errors in multi-force backgrounds. It also implies that somato-sensory cues will have a heightened role in negative-g situations. We also collected data to help extend our model to dynamic situations.