Separation Techniques in Nuclear Waste Management

Part 1 Introduction: separation processes in the nuclear industry, T. Carleson and N. Chipman. Part 2 Treatment of aqueous streams: introduction, A. Olson liquid extraction - the TRUEX process - experimental studies, P. Horwitz and R. Chirazia liquid extraction - the TRUEX process - mathematical modelling, J. Law and T. Carleson liquid extraction - new extraction agents - crown ether extractants, C. Wai and M. Beklemishev liquid extraction - other extraction agents, T. Carleson and A. Olson adsorption and ion exchange processes, J. Fitzpatrick electrochemical processes, M. Buehler and J. Surma other separation processes - alternate separation technologies for treating sodium-containing acidic wastes, R. Boardman case studies of process selection - wastes at the West Valley, New York site, D. Kurath and L. Bray wastes at the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory Chemical Processing Plant, Idaho Falls, Idaho, R. Boardman et al. Part 3 Treatment of solid wastes: introduction, M. Bronson pyrochemical treatment of metals and oxides, M. Bronson and C. McPheeters pyrochemical treatment of salts, K. Dodson surface treatments, M. Bronson physical treatment techniques, L. Worl. Part 4 Treatment of process wastes and gases: introduction, J. Christian treatment of off-gases from process operations, J. Christian and T. Thomas. Part 5 Current separation technologies in the world: introduction, C. Wai North America, G. Choppin and L. Rao Europe and the United Kingdom, R.G.G. Holmes and H. Eccles Russia and Eastern Europe, B.F. Myasoedov and I.A. Lehedev Asia - Japan, Korea, and People's Republic of China, Z. Yoshida et al.