On successive packing approach to multidimensional ( MD ) interleaving

We propose an interleaving scheme for multidimensional (M -D) interleaving. To achieved by using a novel concept of basis interleaving array. A general method of obtaining a variety of basis interleaving arrays is presented. Based on the basis interleaving array, we then propose an interleaving technique, called successive packing, to generate the interleaved array of arbitrary size. It is shown that the proposed technique can spread any error burst of m0×m k 1 within m n 0 ×m n 1 array (1 ≤ k ≤ n−1) effectively so that the error burst can be corrected with simple random error correcting-code (provided the error correcting-code is available). It is further shown that the technique is optimal for combating a set of arbitrarily-shaped error bursts. Since this algorithm needs to be implemented only once for a given M -D array, the computational cost is is low.