Gibberellins on Stem Growth and Leaf Production in Three Varieties of Celery1

Pressman, E. and Negbi, M. 1987. Interaction of daylength and applied gibberellins on stem growth and leaf production in three varieties of celery.—J. exp. Bot. 38: 968-971. Exogenous application of gibberellins (GAs) stimulated stem length. The extent of this stimulation was less in long photoperiods, as long days (LD) or as long nights interrupted by night breaks (NB), than it was in short days (SD). Long photoperiods increased the length and erectness of leaves and reduced leaf number. Similar morphological changes were stimulated by applied GAs, which were more effective on plants grown in SD than on those in LD. It is suggested that long photoperiods cause these morphological changes via the production or metabolism of endogenous GAs, but it is not clear how endogenous GAs interact with the applied