SMA wearing courses on runways and taxiways: recent experience in South Africa

In recent years stone mastic asphalt (SMA) has become very popular in South Africa. Currently SMA is part of the design strategy of the newly constructed King Shaka International Airport (KSIA) near Durban which consists of 3.7 km runway and associated taxiways. The design strategy was to use SMA for the KSIA project not only for its excellent known performance properties and associated functional advantages but also for the challenge using the SMA on a runway and taxiways on a project like this in comparison to highly trafficked roads where it is normally used. This paper deals with the design approach with a slightly different angle for the SMA to be used at the KSIA project. This design approach will be compared with the different design approaches used during more recent contracts where SMA was used on highly trafficked roads. The design approaches used for SMA will include discussions and analysis on properties such as: air voids, compaction, permeability, type of binder, type of grading, filler and fibres, and volumetric design principles. Performance properties on these mixes were extensively tested in most cases and include MMLS and wheel tracking tests to evaluate the rutting properties. (a) For covering abstract of the conference see E218387.