Representations of an Incidental Learning Framework to Support Mobile Learning.

This paper discusses how the particular features of mobile learning can be harnessed to provide new informal learning opportunities in relation to context aware and location based learning. The MASELTOV project is developing representations of an incidental learning framework to enable software developers and researchers to both design and analyse learning journeys to support social inclusion and language learning. Visual representations act as boundary objects that enable interdisciplinary conversations and reveal potential issues. Mobile learning offers the possibility of scaffolding the transfer between settings, and we identify location as a key element of making learning relevant to the user’s situation. This affordance is illustrated with the example of the application of mobile learning, and in particular, incidental learning, to assist the target audience (recent immigrants) in the MASELTOV project. This project is developing an incidental learning framework which we have used to explore in detail the potential incidental learning journeys which may be undertaken by the immigrants, and in this paper we discuss the current framework, and the challenges in generating representations that support useful debate.