Optimized QoS metrics and performance comparison of DSR and AODV routing protocols

The main objective of the paper is to increase the throughput thereby reducing the routing overhead and jitter between nodes. To achieve this, it is proposed to go for reactive routing protocols. Proactive routing protocols use table-driven strategy that is the routing tables are exchanged periodically between nodes which results in more energy consumption. To overcome these problems, we go for DSR and AODV. These routing protocols use on-demand strategy that is the routes are established from source node to destination only on demand which minimizes the jitter level. Using “Network Simulator 2.35” the performance of AODV and DSR protocols are compared for large number of nodes in the presence of ambient noise level whereas in the existing works lesser number of nodes is only considered. From our results it is evident that AODV protocol consumes lesser energy than DSR and in the presence of high routing overhead, AODV outperforms DSR by yielding higher throughput with less jitter.