Implementation of Optimal Control Methods for Modeling of a Power System Stabilizer in Single Machine in Infinite Bus System

With the growth of interconnected power systems and particularly the deregulation of the industry, problems related to low frequency oscillation have been widely reported, including major incidents. As the most cost- effective damping controller, power system stabilizer (PSS) has been widely used to suppress the low frequency oscillation and enhance the system dynamic stability. Traditional methods for determining PSS placements are based on the analysis of the interconnected system. However, the design of the PSS is based on a simplified single machine infinite bus (SMIB) model. PSS  based on  simplified single machine infinite bus (SMIB) model  is developed on the basis of optimal control (OP) techniques like Linear Gaussian Regulator (LGR), Linear Quadratic Regulator (LQR), H controller design, H 2 controller design are represented in this paper. The MATLAB / SIMULINK model is used to implement the SMIB-PSS model..