국내 건축 관련학과와 실내건축 관련학과의 컴퓨터이용과목 개설 현황에 관한 비교조사연구
This study is investigation into the number of major subjects and computer-using subjects in department of architecture-related in 2008 & 2010 year. We arranged and analyzed collected data by searching homepages of subjects to survey and was able to reach conclusions as follows : Firstly, the number of classes for 2D-drafting has been decreased regardless of major(architecture-related and interior architecture-related) and college or university. Secondary, computer-using subjects tended to design with using computer software. Thirdly, college students in department of architecture-related learn more computer-using subjects than interior architecture-related. Fourthly, university students in department of interior architecture-related learn less computer-using subjects than architecture-related. Computer-using subjects tend to decrease in regardless of school and major. however the proportion of computer-using subjects for architectural or interior architectural design has increased.