Publisher Summary This chapter explains the popular courseware for image processing education known as SIVA—the signal, image, and video audiovisualization—gallery. The image and video processing section of the SIVA gallery consists of a suite of special purpose LabVIEW-based programs known as Virtual Instruments (VIs). Equipped with informative visualization and a user-friendly interface, these VIs were carefully designed to facilitate a gentle introduction to the fascinating concepts in image and video processing. To make things easier, the demos are accompanied by a comprehensive set of help files that describe the various controls, and that highlight some illustrative examples and instructive parameter settings. A demo can be activated by clicking the rightward pointing arrow in the top menu bar. Help for the demo can be activated by clicking the ‘?’ button and moving the cursor over the icon that is located immediately to the right of the ‘?’ button. In addition, when the cursor is placed over any other button/control, the help window automatically updates to describe the function of that button/control. The user will find this visual, hands-on, interactive introduction to image processing to be a fun, enjoyable, and illuminating experience.
Michael Unser,et al.
Teaching image-processing programming in Java
IEEE Signal Process. Mag..
Michael Unser,et al.
Image Processing Education
Robert H. Bishop,et al.
LabVIEW 8 student edition
Jerry D. Gibson,et al.
Handbook of Image and Video Processing
Alan C. Bovik,et al.
The SIVA Demonstration Gallery for signal, image, and video processing education
IEEE Trans. Educ..
Jeffrey Travis,et al.
LabVIEW for Everyone: Graphical Programming Made Easy and Fun