Characterization of the South Atlantic marine boundary layer aerosol using an aerodyne aerosol mass spectrometer

Measurements of the submicron fraction of the atmospheric aerosol in the marine boundary layer were performed from January to March 2007 (Southern Hemisphere summer) onboard the French research vessel Marion Dufresnein the Southern Atlantic and Indian Ocean (20 S-60 S, 70 W-60 E). We used an Aerodyne High- Resolution-Time-of-Flight AMS to characterize the chemi- cal composition and to measure species-resolved size distri- butions of non-refractory aerosol components in the submi- cron range. Within the "standard" AMS compounds (ammonium, chloride, nitrate, sulfate, organics) "sulfate" is the domi- nant species in the marine boundary layer with concentra- tions ranging between 50 ng m 3 and 3µg m 3 . Further- more, what is seen as "sulfate" by the AMS is likely com- prised mostly of sulfuric acid.

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