PART ONE: URBAN DEVELOPMENT CORPORATIONS IN CONTEXT Assessing Urban Policy and the Urban Development Corporations - Rob Imrie and Huw Thomas PART TWO: THE BRITISH URBAN DEVELOPMENT CORPORATIONS: POLICIES AND PRACTICES Turning the East End into the West End - Sue Brownill The Lessons and Legacies of the London Docklands Development Corporation Urban Development Corporations, Urban Entrepreneurialism and Locality - Richard Meegan The Merseyside Development Corporation Urban Policy, Modernisation and the Regeneration of Cardiff Bay - Huw Thomas and Rob Imrie Tyne and Weir UDC - Turning the Uses Inside Out - David Byrne Active Deindustrialisation and its Consequences 'Good Conservative Policies Translated into Practice' - Fred Robinson, Keith Shaw and Marty Lawrence The Case of the Teesside Development Corporation Urban Policy in Sheffield - Gordon Dabinett and Peter Ramsden Regeneration, Partnerships and People 'Out of Touch, Out of Place, Out of Time' - Nick Oatley and Andrew May A Valediction for Bristol Development Corporation Rescripting Urban Regeneration the Mancunian Way - Iain Deas et al PART THREE: PROSPECTS FOR URBAN POLICY New Deal or No Deal for People-Based Regeneration? - Bob Colenutt Just Another Failed Urban Experiment? - Allan Cochrane The Legacy of the Urban Development Corporations