In a wire shipping and dispensing package comprising a wire-carrying spool disposed vertically in a generally rectangular carton having side and end walls extending upwardly from a substantially square bottom section to define a substantially square open top, the lower end portion of the carton is adapted to frictionally fit within the upper end portion of a substantially identical carton disposed therebelow. A pad sheet is removably secured in the open top of the carton in engagement with the rim of an upwardly cupped upper end flange of the spool and provides a seating surface for the bottom section of a substantially identical carton disposed thereabove with its lower end portion fitted into the upper end portion of the lower carton. The pad sheet has a central opening therein providing access to handle means affixed to the spool and located within the confines of the upper end flange for manual lifting and transport of the spool by the handle means while the carton is retained on the spool by the pad sheet.
Gerard Salton,et al.
The SMART Retrieval System—Experiments in Automatic Document Processing
Carolyn Watters,et al.
Virtual structures for hypertext
Matthew Chalmers,et al.
Bead: explorations in information visualization
SIGIR '92.
Donna Harman,et al.
The First Text REtrieval Conference (TREC-1)
Earl Rennison,et al.
Galaxy of news: an approach to visualizing and understanding expansive news landscapes
UIST '94.
Donna Harman,et al.
The Second Text Retrieval Conference (TREC-2)
Inf. Process. Manag..
Iain Campbell,et al.
Supporting Information Needs by Ostensive Definition in an Adaptive Information Space