A Multiscale Fusion Convolutional Neural Network for Plant Leaf Recognition

Plant leaf recognition is a computer vision task used to automatically recognize plant species. It is very challenging since rich plant leaf morphological variations, such as sizes, textures, shapes, venation, and so on. Most existing plant leaf methods typically normalize all plant leaf images to the same size and recognize them at one scale, resulting in unsatisfactory performances. In this letter, a multiscale fusion convolutional neural network (MSF-CNN) is proposed for plant leaf recognition at multiple scales. First, an input image is down-sampled into multiples low resolution images with a list of bilinear interpolation operations. Then, these input images with different scales are step-by-step fed into the MSF-CNN architecture to learn discriminative features at different depths. At this stage, the feature fusion between two different scales is realized by a concatenation operation, which concatenates feature maps learned on different scale images from a channel view. Along with the depth of the MSF-CNN, multiscale images are progressively handled and the corresponding features are fused. Third, the last layer of the MSF-CNN aggregates all discriminative information to obtain the final feature for predicting the plant species of the input image. Experiments show the proposed MSF-CNN method is superior to multiple state-of-the art plant leaf recognition methods on the MalayaKew Leaf dataset and the LeafSnap Plant Leaf dataset.

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