Iğdir İli Kayisi Tariminin Mekanizasyon Sorunlari ve Çözüm Önerileri Mechanization Problems and Solutions of Apricot Production of Iğdir Province
In this study, the mechanization characteristics and problems of enterprises dealing with apricot pro- duction, which has an important place in the agricultural production of Igdir province, were investigated. For this purpose, surveys have been conducted on enterprises engaged with apricot production and officials from provincial directorate of agriculture were interviewed to determine the problems encountered with the machinery and tools used and solutions for these problems. In the study, results show that surveyed 41.6 % of enterprises have one trac- tor with 3.8 number agricultural tools and machinery per each tractor. The solution for some important problems identified; training programs on apricot production need to be conducted throughout the province, the use of agri- cultural tools and machinery need to be improved and promoted for using less human labor in apricot production and the completion of agricultural operation in time.