Sirgy et al. (2000) have developed a measure ofcommunity quality of life (QOL). This measurecaptures residents' satisfaction withcommunity-based services in the way that theseservices contribute to global satisfaction withthe community and overall life satisfaction. The measure was validated nomologically bytesting hypotheses directly deduced from atheoretical model that relates residents'satisfaction with community-based services withglobal community satisfaction and global lifesatisfaction. The study reported in this paperreplicates and extends Sirgy et al.'s (2000)study. Specifically, the conceptual model thatwas used to test the nomological (predictive)validity of the community QOL measure wasfurther expanded and refined. The modifiedmeasure is based on the theoretical notion thatsatisfaction with the community at large(global community satisfaction) is mostlydetermined by satisfaction with governmentservices (police, fire/rescue, library, etc.),business services (banking/savings, insurance,department stores, etc.), nonprofit services(alcohol/drug abuse services, crisisintervention, religious services, etc.), aswell as satisfaction with other aspects of thecommunity such as quality of the environment,rate of change to the natural landscape, racerelations, cost of living, crime, ties withpeople, neighborhood, and housing. In turn,global community satisfaction together withsatisfaction with other overall life domains(work, family, leisure, etc.) affect globallife satisfaction. Survey data from a varietyof communities located in southwest Virginiawere collected to further test the nomologicalvalidity of the measure. The results providedadditional nomological validation support tothe community QOL measure.
Muris Cicic,et al.
A method for assessing residents' satisfaction with community-based services: a quality-of-life perspective
D. Dahmann.
Subjective Assessments of Neighborhood Quality by Size of Place
E. R. Combs,et al.
Predictors of Neighborhood and Community Satisfactions in Rural Communities
E. Diener,et al.
Subjective well-being.
Psychological bulletin.
George Galster,et al.
Homeowners and Neighborhood Reinvestment
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Determinants of Neighborhood Satisfaction: A Metropolitan-Level Analysis*
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Planned Residential Environments
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Social Indicators of Well-Being: Americans' Perceptions of Life Quality
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Understanding Constraints and Residential Satisfaction Among Low-Income Single-Parent Families