Anarchic Society Optimization: A human-inspired method

This paper introduces Anarchic Society Optimization (ASO), which is inspired by a social grouping in which members behave anarchically to improve their situations. The basis of ASO is a group of individuals who are fickle, adventurous, dislike stability, and frequently behave irrationally, moving toward inferior positions they have visited during the exploration phase. The level of anarchic behavior among members intensifies as the level of difference among members' situations increases. Using these anarchic members, ASO explores the solution space perfectly and avoids falling into local optimum traps. First we present a unified framework for ASO, which can easily be used for both continuous and discrete problems. Then, we show that Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO), for which a general introduction was initially implemented for continuous optimization problems, is a special case of this framework. To evaluate the performance of ASO for discrete optimization, we develop an ASO algorithm for a challenging scheduling problem. The numerical results show that the proposed ASO algorithm significantly outperforms other effective algorithms in the literature. Our study indicates that developing an ASO algorithm is basically straightforward for any problem to which a PSO or Genetic algorithm has been applied. Finally, it is shown that under mild conditions an ASO algorithm converges to a global optimum with probability one.