Using a combination of vibration absorber and a classical active controller to suppress the chatter vibration and increase the stability in turning process

Free, forced, and self-excited vibrations are the three main types of machine tool vibrations. Self-excited vibration is the most important type of destructive vibration in machining. The most important factor in increasing the chipping rate, stability, and tool life is decreasing this type of destructive vibration. In this paper, we aim to introduce a method to control the self-excited vibrations by the means of the combining a vibration absorber as a passive controlling method and a classical active controller such as PID or compensator or the other classical methods. Utilizing the SIMULINK toolbox of MATLAB software, first, we designed and added the vibration absorber to the model simulation. Then, the active controller which can have a piezo actuator force as its input was designed and applied. The effect of each absorber, designed controller, and their combination is investigated as well as the system time response and stability diagrams that are evaluated in the presence and absence of them. Implementation of the control law mentioned above, in its related electronic circuit of the turning machine, will be considered as the future stage of the current project.