Variants in PUS7 Cause Intellectual Disability with Speech Delay, Microcephaly, Short Stature, and Aggressive Behavior.
R. Pfundt | Pedro Rebelo-Guiomar | M. Minczuk | Schraga Schwartz | S. Riazuddin | Z. Ahmed | S. Riazuddin | F. Raymond | Jean-Yves Roignant | M. Shahzad | H. van Bokhoven | R. Abou Jamra | Modi Safra | V. Morín | A. Reis | A. D. de Brouwer | D. Koolen | Christopher A. Powell | L. de Boer | Zubair M. Ahmed | Nadja Dinges | M. Hussain | Nadine Körtel | D. L. Polla | Clara Soyris | D. Grozeva | Avia Zisso | Michael Stock | Franziska Schwarz