A Visual Guide to Stata Graphics

Introduction Using this book Types of Stata graphs Schemes Options Building graphs Editor Overview of the Graph Editor Object Browser Modifying objects Adding objects Moving objects Hiding and showing objects Locking and unlocking objects Using the Graph Recorder Graph Editor versus Stata commands Twoway graphs Scatterplots Regression fits and splines Regression confidence interval fits Line plots Area plots Bar plots Range plots Distribution plots Contour plots Options Overlaying plots Scatterplot matrix graphs Marker options Controlling axes Matrix options Graphing by groups Bar graphs Y variables Graphing bars over groups Options for controlling gaps between bars Options for sorting bars Controlling the categorical axis Legends and labeling bars Controlling the y axis Changing the look of bars Graphing by groups Box plots Specifying variables and groups Options for controlling gaps between boxes Options for sorting boxes Controlling the categorical axis Controlling legends Controlling the y axis Changing the look of boxes Graphing by groups Dot plots Specifying variables and groups Options for controlling gaps between dots Options for sorting dots Controlling the categorical axis Controlling legends Controlling the y axis Changing the look of dot rulers Graphing by groups Pie charts Types of pie charts Sorting pie slices Changing the look and color and exploding pie slices Slice labels Controlling legends Graphing by groups Options available for most graphs Changing the look of markers Creating and controlling marker labels Connecting points and markers Setting and controlling axis titles Setting and controlling axis labels Controlling axis scales Selecting an axis Graphing by groups Controlling legends Adding text to markers and positions Options for text and textboxes More options controlling the display of text Standard options available for all graphs Creating and controlling titles Using schemes to control the look of graphs Sizing graphs and their elements Changing the look of graph regions Styles for changing the look of graphs Angles Colors Clock position Compass direction Connecting points Line patterns Line width Margins Marker size Orientation Marker symbols Text size Appendix Overview of statistical graph commands Common options for statistical graphs The marginsplot command Saving, redisplaying, and combining graphs More examples: Putting it all together Common mistakes Customizing schemes Online supplements