A Supervisory Mask Attentional Network for Person Re-Identification in Uniform Dress Scenes
Person re-identification (Re-ID) aims at retrieving a person's identification across multiple non-overlapping cameras. While recent Re-ID methods have achieved significant success on a number of benchmark datasets, most of them are still insufficient in the scenes with unified or highly similar dressing like construction sites, schools and factories. To address this problem, we propose a supervisory mask attention network (SMA-Net). Our approach combines two key components: (1) ROI mask mapping (RMM) is a supervisory branch to provide ROI mappings that divide a person region into several parts; (2) Partial mask attention (PMA) integrates channel and space attention mechanisms that focus on local features and different accessories in each ROI. Therefore, the network can pay more attention to the local features and different accessories herein. Compared with the state of the art methods, SMA-Net demonstrates excellent performance on our dataset of construction scenes, with improvement of 6.65% in mAP and 3.8% in Rank-1 accuracy.