대학시설 법적 기준의 적정성 분석 연구

After the twenty-first century, the university emphasize on the role of knowledge creation facilities, and for this, various social and educational requirements are changing the environment of higher education. These change makes university that has old facilities difficult to correspond environmental changes. The purpose of this study is to review the facilities manual of Establishment and Management of university and to suggest amendment of Establishment and Management of university by exploring the university educational environment and facilities plan to respond various changes. We reviewed division of university studies, classification system of facilities, Area Standard of building and site in th provision for university establishment and operation, based on studying domestic university facilities standards, space management standards, facilities condition of national/private university and doing a survey of university facilities satisfaction and propriety of facilities standard in 120 universities. According to this study on validity and propriety of rules, we suggest amendment of Establishment and Management of university that can respond changing higher education environment.