Research Methods to Develop Measures of Effectiveness of the United States Coast Guard's Vessel Inspection and Boarding Program. Appendices. Volume 4.

Abstract : This report describes a methodology for determining the effectiveness of the U.S. Coast Guard Marine Inspection and Boarding Program for deep draft vessels. Measures of Effectiveness (MOEs) were developed at the overall program-wide, major activity, and sub-activity levels. Econometric analysis was performed on the relationship between the number of personnel and pollution casualties and the resource hours expended by the Inspection and Boarding programs. The estimates provide MOEs by (1) quantifying the decrease in expected number of casualties, and (2) quantifying the increase in the duration in days to a casualty that results from an increase in resource hours. A second methodology called Risk Based Ranking (RBR) was used to enumerate the contribution of factors targeted by sub-activities as being key contributers to the occurrence of casualties. For U.S. vessels the results indicate that resources expended are effective in reducing expected number of deaths, injuries, and pollution incidents. For foreign vessels the results are not robust and do not allow clear inferences. The RBR showed that the dominant contributors to maritime risk are linked to Drills/Human Factors, Steering/Navigation, and Cargo/Pollution Control sub-activity intervention strategies. The order of these factors varies by vessel service and country of registry. A prototype decision support system was developed that displays the econometric models graphically. This report is issued in four separate volumes: Volume I - Executive Summary; Volume II - Main Report; Volume III - Decision Support for Utilizing Measures of Effectiveness; Volume IV - Appendices.