Logic design
"T~DI Fault Diagnosis and Self Repair in Synchronous Digital Systems. M. J. Devaney, R. A. Waid, R. W. Leavene, and G. V. Lago, University of Missouri Columbia -This study introduces a coordinated approach to error detection, fault diagnosis,and self-repair directed toward isolating logic failures in operational synchronous digital systems. Existing techniques of fault diagnosis are impractical under operational conditions due to their lengthy diagnostic test sequences. To circumvent this deficiency a model assisted bimodular redundant approach is introduced -providing continuous error detection, fault diagnosis to the module level, and a self-repair capability, by means of which the system is automatically reconfigured to bypass failures and restore operation until the defective modules can be replaced or repaired. The theoretical basis for the approach is presented and an algorithm is developed for generating an optimal sequence of diagnostic tests. Since the method was designed for applications in which down time is to be minimal and since the effectiveness of the approach is dependent on the efficiency of a Boolean model of the system, a procedure is developed for the simulation of synchronous digital systems which minimizes execution time, economizes on storage requirements, while maintaining programming convenience.