Site-Planning Guidelines for Low Income Housing in the State of Sao Paulo, Brazil, Based on POE and Axioms

This paper presents a study on quality of life indicators and site planning parameters for low-income State supported housing projects in the region of Campinas, Brazil. The study is based on a Post Occupancy Evaluation, POE, conducted in five housing estates. Most housing projects are devoid of urban infrastructure and users act on their own in providing for necessary elements to help create an identity and community spirit. In the interior of the State, outside the major metropolitan area of Săo Paulo, typical housing developments have a fairly low density. Open space is however poorly used and does not contribute to overall neighborhood quality. User satisfaction is related to environmental comfort indicators (thermal, visual, acoustic, functional space aspects and quality of air). Satisfaction also depends on user’s attitudes towards the environment, their psychological wellbeing, their feeling of security and safety (NEWMAN, 1972). The indicators of environmental psychology depend on the users perception of space as territory (GIFFORD, 1997). Feelings of belonging, of privacy and crowding are important. Residents assess the scope for individualization of dwellings and feelings of security are important (CARMONA, 2001; PUNTER & CARMONA, 1997; THOMAS, 2003). Evaluation of housing developments has primarily been based on POE studies, where factors of technical-construction and user-satisfaction are the subjects of inquiry. This research project embarked on a field investigation, using POE methods, of such indicators to create a framework and to validate the indicators proposed for the design evaluation method, and confirm the functional requirements and design parameters of the design evaluation method proposed.The sample of the POE included five percent of residential units in each housing estate. Selection was based on uniform distribution over each site and inclusion of one family residences and apartments on different floor levels. The following topics guided the generation of indicators: spatial qualities; morphological qualities; contextual qualities; visual qualities; perceptual qualities; social qualities; functional qualities.The field study instruments were based on questionnaires, observations and design analysis, built on a preliminary list of general indicators of quality of life and sustainability related public housing project. The literature on environmental psychology and housing design quality directed the content of questionnaires and observation sheets (GRIFFIN, 1997; CARMONA, 2001). Questionnaires were applied to users, technical and behavioral observation made on site. Design aspects were analyzed: building density; percentages of areas and distribution of uses as well as circles of influence of institutions and services. This work is part of a broader study, which aims to develop a design evaluation tool based on the results of the case study described above. Most sensitive quality of life indicators related to site-planning should permeate the tool and establish guidelines (FELCE & PERRY, 1995; CUMMINS, 1998). The tool will be organized according to two axioms coming from the design method by SUH (1990). The axiom of independence establishes the structure of the guidelines and the axiom of information selects design parameters for specific site planning problems. Further references, in the collection of guidelines, are made to ALEXANDER (1977) and the “if-then” structure of his “Pattern Language”. The inclusion of a large number of qualitative design issues into the decision making process and the questioning of existing standardized solutions is seen as an important step in improving housing quality and avoid the repetition of common errors. As a further result, the “workbook” method of user participation (HORELLI, 2002) in introducing improvements to existing housing development will be tested in one of the sample projects of the POE study.