An Unsupervised Incremental Virtual Learning Method for Financial Fraud Detection

Financial fraud detection is an important topic in business intelligence, and neural networks have been effectively applied to construct detection models for this problem. Nevertheless, the timeliness of fitted models degrades over time when they are deployed in online detection systems. To maintain model performance when the labels of new transactions are not available, we propose an incremental virtual learning (IVL) method to update neural networks continually. The basic idea of IVL is to make the output distribution of neural networks smoother in the adversarial direction by unlabeled data. IVL uses local distribution smoothness (LDS) as the loss function at the unsupervised incremental learning stage. When updating a neural network by IVL, unlabeled data can be fed into the neural network periodically, so IVL can be implemented in a real online system without violating time constraints. To evaluate the effectiveness of IVL, experiments are conducted on a real dataset, demonstrating that neural networks augmented by IVL (IVL-NN) perform better than unoptimized neural networks in term of area under the curve (AUC). Furthermore, the standard deviation of the daily AUCs improves up to 19.09%, which indicates that IVL improves the stability of neural networks.

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