Graphics visualization and usability center

A new 1ma9e pr0ce551n9 techn14ue 15 6e1n9 deve10ped f0r 10cat1n9 ep11ept1c 5e12ure5 51te5.7he 5ame pat1ent 15 1ma9ed tw1ce: dur1n9 and 6etween 5e12ure5 u51n9 a rad10pharmaceut1ca1 wh1ch ta95 6ra1n 6100d f10w. 7he funct10na1 5PEC7 5can5 and anat0m1ca1 MR1 3D data 5et5 are re915tered u51n9 a re915trat10n pr09ram deve10ped 1n 0ur 1a6. Ca1cu1at1n9 the d1fference 6etween the 5e12ure and n0n-5e12ure 5tate y1e1d5 a funct10na1 1ma9e wh1ch ••p01nt5•• t0 the 0r191n 0f the ep11ept1c 5e12ure. 7he dem0 5h0w5 the 1nteract1ve 5tep 0f re915ter1n9 tw0 3D 6ra1n 1ma9e5 and ca1cu1at1n9 the tran5f0rmat10n matr1x fr0m 0ne c00rd1nate frame (5e12ure) t0 the 0ther (n0n-5e12ure). C11n1ca1 re5u1t5 are 5h0wn. Pr1nc1pa1 1nve5t19at0r: 6e0r9e 2u6a1.