Multi-Component Diffusion With Application to Computational Aerothermodynamics

The accuracy and complexity of solving multi-component gaseous diffusion using the detailed multi-component equations, the Stefan-Maxwell equations, and two commonly used approximate equations have been examined in a two part study. Part I examined the equations in a basic study with specified inputs in which the results are applicable for many applications. Part II addressed the application of the equations in the Langley Aerothermodynamic Upwind Relaxiation Algorithm (LAURA) computational code for high-speed entries in Earth''s atmosphere. The results showed that the presented iterative scheme for solving the Stefan-Maxwell equations is an accurate and effective method as compared with solutions of the detailed equations. In general, good accuracy with the approximate equations cannot be guaranteed for a species or all species in a multi-component mixture. "Corrected" forms of the approximate equations that ensured the diffusion mass fluxes sum to zero, as required, were more accurate than the uncorrected forms. Good accuracy, as compared with the Stefan-Maxwell results, were obtained with the "corrected" approximate equations in defining the heating rates for the three Earth entries considered in Part II.