The Tenebrionidae of southern Africa, XLIII. Description of some larvae of the Zophosini with observations on the possible origin of phylogenetic evolution of dune-living genera (Coleoptera)

Larvae of four Zophosis species and of four other zophosin genera are described. The larvae of Calosis could not be generically separated from Zophosis; therefore Calosis is regarded as subgenus of Zophosis in this paper. The affinities of the larvae are compared with the adult systematics. The evidence of relationship between the different genera is generally in accordance with the monographs of Deyrolle (1867) and Chatanay (1921), but differs in some respects from Koch's views (1958). All species, apart from the Zophosis species, exhibit to a more or lesser degree morphological adaptations for easier movement in and on loose dune sand and the enlargement of sensorial surfaces by their antennal dilation and the increase of tactile setae. Analogies with dune-living species of other tribes are discussed.