Proposes a 3-D Hopfield neural network called Contextual-Constraint Based Hopfield Neural Cube (CCBHNC) taking both each single pixel's feature and its surrounding contextual information for image segmentation, mimicking a high-level vision system. Different from other neural networks, CCBHNC extends the two-dimensional Hopfield neural network into a three-dimensional Hopfield neural cube for it to easily take each pixel's surrounding contextual information into its network operation. As CCBHNC uses a high-level image segmentation model, disconnected fractions arising in the course of tiny details or noises will be effectively removed. Furthermore, the CCBHNC follows the competitive learning rule to update the neuron states, thus precluding the necessity of determining the values for the hard constraints in the energy function, which is usually required in a Hopfield neural network, and facilitating the energy function to converge fast. The simulation results indicate that CCBHNC can produce more continued, more intact, and smoother images in comparison with the other methods.
Jzau-Sheng Lin,et al.
The application of competitive Hopfield neural network to medical image segmentation
IEEE Trans. Medical Imaging.
Pau-Choo Chung,et al.
Polygonal approximation using a competitive Hopfield neural network
Pattern Recognit..
N. Otsu.
A threshold selection method from gray level histograms
Y. Kim,et al.
Image segmentation using an annealed Hopfield neural network
[Proceedings] 1992 RNNS/IEEE Symposium on Neuroinformatics and Neurocomputers.
Chin-Tu Chen,et al.
Constraint satisfaction neural networks for image recognition
Pattern Recognit..
Xiaobo Li,et al.
Adaptive image region-growing
IEEE Trans. Image Process..