A Scaled-2D CNN for Skin Cancer Diagnosis

Every year, doctors diagnose skin cancer in around 3 million or more patients across the globe. Currently, it is one of the most widely recognized kinds of cancers for human health. Hence, we need an early diagnosis to prevail any critical condition of the infected patients. Apparently, it can treat with topical drugs, if it diagnoses in an early stage. Hence as an outcome, skin cancer is responsible for less than 1% of all cancer deaths. There are two types of tumors in the skin cancer diseases domain, such as benign and malignant. To develop a robust and early screening system to diagnose skin cancer, it requires an efficient algorithm for prediction, trained with a large dataset. The primary aim of this research is to develop an efficient skin cancer screening process using a robust deep neural network with a large dataset. In this paper, we intend to determine considerate and dangerous types of skin cancer tumors using dermoscopic images from a publicly available dataset. We proposed an efficient and fast scaled 2D-CNN based on EfficientNet-B7 deep neural architecture with image preprocessing. This paper also uses two different pre-trained deep neural architectures, such as VGG19, and ResNet-50 to compare the performance with the proposed architecture. The proposed architecture outperformed the other pre-trained CNN models whereas the proposed architecture achieved higher AUC and accuracy compared to other architectures.