Dynamic Modelling and Optimisation of Large-Scale Cryogenic Separation Processes

In this work, the open loop dynamic optimisation of a large-scale natural gas processing plant is performed. A rigorous differential-algebraic equation (DAE) model has been formulated to represent main plant units, such as shell and tube heat exchangers, highpressure separator and demethanizing column. In the shell and tube heat exchangers, the hot stream partially condenses and equations to consider the partial condensation of the fluids have been included. A rigorous index one model for the demethanizing column has been developed. The DAE optimisation problem is solved with a simultaneous approach, in which both state and control variables are discretised and the original DAE optimisation model is transformed into a large-scale nonlinear problem (NLP), which is solved using Sequential Quadratic Programming (SQP) methods. Optimal profiles have been obtained for main operating variables to achieve an enhanced product recovery.