Clinical evaluation of TRCReady M.TB for rapid automated detection of M. tuberculosis complex in respiratory samples.

SETTING Timely diagnosis of tuberculosis (TB) is essential for effectively controlling and managing the disease. Although international guidelines recommend acid-fast bacilli staining and culture as the 'gold standard', new molecular methods are available to safely and rapidly identify positive samples. OBJECTIVE To evaluate the performance of the newer and fully automated version of a molecular assay for rRNA amplification (TRCReady® M.TB) on 1028 respiratory samples collected from 378 patients for its possible use as a reliable screening method. Results were evaluated using culture as the reference test. RESULTS Of four diagnostic protocols employed, best results were obtained when TRCReady M.TB was used together with microscopy on the first respiratory sample, followed by microscopy alone on a second one. The sensitivity and specificity were respectively 97% and 100%, with a turnaround time of 24 h. We propose a possible laboratory algorithm for rapid identification of patients with TB. CONCLUSIONS TRCReady offers the advantages of full automation and avoidance of cross-contamination. As such, it should be considered as a more economical option for TB screening than other commercial assays that are currently available.