Acquisition of UHF and X-band ISAR imagery using 1/35th scale models

Radar detection and identification of ground targets in diverse environments is a subject of continuing interest. It has long been known that different radar bands have advantages for different environmental conditions. For example, it has been shown that detection of targets under foliage is more easily accomplished using longer wavelength radars since there is less attenuation at these frequencies. However, higher frequency radars offer greater resolution that is crucial in target identification. Because each radar band has its own unique strengths and weakness, one current approach is the use of dual-band radar platforms. With two radar bands working simultaneously, the strengths of each radar band can be used to compliment the other. ERADS has constructed two full polarimetric compact radar ranges to acquire X-Band and UHF ISAR imagery data using 1/35th scale models. The new compact ranges allow data to be taken that can simulate a multi-frequency radar platform with frequencies low enough to detect obscured targets and high enough to provide useful resolution to aid in target identification once they have been detected. Since both compact ranges use the same scale factor, this allows measurement of the same target at the two spectral regions simply by moving the target model from one compact range to the other. Data can thus be taken whose differences in scattering are due only to the difference in radar frequency, eliminating variations due to differences in target models as well as the surrounding ground clutter. Detailed descriptions of the new compact ranges will be presented along with results from sample data sets.