엔진 커넥팅로드 Shank 부의 경량화를 위한 좌굴 민감도 분석

Connecting rod under incessant dynamic motion has a major effect on the engine performance according to its lightweight degree. In engine parts design, the effect of buckling has been considered less than static load and fatigue, and there were limited studies that compared the effect of those three factors. The purpose of this study is to analyze the sensitivity of buckling by comparing the safety factors for static stress, fatigue and buckling with respected to the change of section area of the connecting rod shank. Static stress, fatigue and buckling analysis are performed by FE model which has width and thickness as design variables, and buckling sensitivity with the change of the cross sectional area in shank is analyzed by comparing the safety factor decreasing ratio. Sensitivity analysis demonstrated that the effect of buckling needs to be considered in designing the connecting rod, and reducing the width can be more profitable than reducing the thickness of the shank.