[Which laryngoscope is the most stressful in laryngoscopy; Macintosh, Miller, or McCoy?].

Stress responses during laryngoscopy were compared among the situations using three different laryngoscopes, Macintosh (curved standard blade), Miller (straight blade), or McCoy (levering). Blood pressure, heart rate (in 58 patients) and plasma concentration of catecholamines (in 29 patients) were measured before, during and after laryngoscopy without tracheal intubation. Systolic blood pressure after laryngoscopy was significantly higher in the Miller group than in other two groups. Plasma epinephrine concentrations after laryngoscopy in the McCoy group were lower than other two groups. Heart rate and plasma norepinephrine concentration were not different among the three groups. These results suggest that the stress response during laryngoscopy without intubation is the biggest in using the Miller laryngoscope and the smallest in using the McCoy laryngoscope.