Small Diameter Film Cooling Hole Heat Transfer: The Influence of the Number of Holes

The overall surface averaged heat transfer was determined for air passing through arras of small diameter holes drilled at 90 through thin metal walls. The influence of the number of holes and hence of the pitch to diameter ratio, X/D, was investigated over the range 4.7 to 21 for a fixed hole size of 1.4 mm and hole L/D of 4.5. A transient cooling technique was used to determine the overall heat transfer coefficient for the cooling due to the air passage through the wall. It was shown that the dominant heat transfer was that on the hole approach surface area due to flow acceleration into the hole. The hole approach surface area was used in the heat transfer correlation. The results of the authors were combined with previous results for the variation of X/D at constant X to give a heat transfer correlation, independent of L/D.Copyright © 1989 by ASME