Searching for feasible splitting strategies of controlled system islanding

Controlled system islanding, also called system splitting, can effectively prevent blackouts of power systems. The splitting strategy determining how to split a power network into islands should be given in real time. Previous papers proposed an ordered binary decision diagram method to search for the splitting strategies satisfying necessary steady-state constraints, e.g. generation-load balance and transmission-line capacity constraint, and also showed that, without any other corrective controls, the splitting strategies may produce unstable islands according to a further simulation study. A modified method to find feasible splitting strategies in real time for large power network is presented. Each feasible splitting strategy not only satisfies necessary steady-state constraints but also easily produces stable islands to prevent a blackout. The method also introduces new techniques into strategy searching to increase its efficiency and practicality, e.g. network partitioning and parallel processing, generator classifying, deriving splitting strategies from cut-set splitting strategies, etc. Simulations on the IEEE 118-bus system show that the real-time portion of the modified method finds feasible splitting strategies in less than one second.