Software engineering and artificial intelligence in new generation computing

I am especially pleased and honoured to receive this award because of SPL Insight's concern with practical matters. I would like to see my work and that of my colleagues as having not only academic interest, but also economic and human value. In this talk I would like to look at the applications of Artificial Intelligence technology to Software Engineering, and in particular to the systems analysis stage of software development. I shall argue that Artificial Intelligence allows us to execute systems analysis; and in some cases the execution is efficient enough to remove the need for separate specifications and programs. I would like to support my case by looking at the British Nationality Act as a particular example, which is closely related to data processing the execution of rules and regulations whether they have legal binding authority or they are simply the rules an organisafion follows for its own convenience. I would like to mention some of the other interrelationships between Software Engineering and AI. And finally I shall tread on ground I haven't tread on before and discuss some of the human implications of the technology. I am afraid that not all o f the consequences of the Fifth Generation are going to be beneficial; and that we will not be able to avoid some of the worst of these consequences, unless we are aware of the potential dangers. The Fifth Generation