What Are You Trying to Say? Format-Independent Semantic-Aware Streaming and Delivery

Users automatically associate many layers of meaning with the media content they consume, yet computers have barely begun to scrape the surface of this information. For example, consider the passage above. The subtle exchange of glances between Elizabeth and her father would be readily apparent to most human observers, but it is unlikely that a computer processing a video of the scene would be able to recognise their meaning. Furthermore, while the double-entendre in Mr Bennett’s remark would be clear to most human listeners, algorithmic recoginition of this or other modes of speech are in their infancy (Paleari & Huet, 2008). Other research communities are developing means to communicate such semantic information (whether computed or manually generated) in ways that are able to transcend the original context of the information.This work—originating from Knowledge Representation, but more popularly known as the Semantic Web—has provided languages such as the Resource Description Framework (RDF) (Beckett, 2004) and Web Ontology Language (OWL) (Dean & Schreiber, 2004) which can be used to express concepts in such a way that “this picture has many buildings” may also imply that “it is a cityscape”, and “it contains man-made objects.” Recent multimedia coding formats developed by MPEG and ITU-T such as Scalable Video Coding (SVC) (ISO/IEC, 2007) and Scalable-to-Lossless Coding (SLS) (ISO/IEC, 2004a) offer the ability to dynamically adapt their bitrate to changing conditions. Current systems perform this adaptation on the basis of static channel parameters such as terminal and network capabilities (Timmerer et al., 2006) or dynamic estimation of channel capacity (Chou, 2006). There are, in fact, numerous examples of using content semantics to identify the best way to adapt content to dynamic conditions: Section 2 describes this in further detail. However, while others have proposed specific semantics to be used in the delivery process, there exists no generic system for connecting arbitrary semantics to the adaptation/delivery process. 17

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