Barriers and facilitators to the access to and use of formal dementia care: findings of a focus group study with people with dementia, informal carers and health and social care professionals in eight European countries
M. Orrell | A. Wimo | G. Selbæk | K. Engedal | O. Zanetti | M. D. de Vugt | L. Hopper | G. Meyer | K. Irving | B. Woods | S. Eriksen | A. Stephan | G. Bartoszek | C. Wolfs | B. Sjölund | A. Broda | R. Handels | A. Sköldunger | M. Gonçalves-Pereira | Frans Marjolein Claire Ron Liselot Gabriele Astrid Anja Verhey de Vugt Wolfs Handels Kerpershoek Me | M. Marques | H. Jelley | J. Røsvik | E. Portolani | A. Bieber | L. Kerpershoek | M. Michelet | F. Verhey | Rachael L. Joyce | H. Bárrios | Ana Machado | M. Conceição Balsinha | Siren Eriksen