Der Beitrag von Fahrerassistenzsystemen zur Aktiven und Passiven Sicherheit – die Integrale Sicherheit als Antwort auf die wachsenden Anforderungen an die Fahrzeugsicherheit.

The vehicle safety has achieved clear progress during the last years. For this purpose the continuous advancement of the passive safety has delivered an essential contribution. Indeed, the potential of the passive safety approaches certainly reach more and more a saturation border. Optimised passenger's cells and airbag systems protect the vehicle passengers very well and with big effort it is fought for small improvements. Measures of the active safety contribute to the fact that it does not come at all to accidents. Thus for the accident avoidance a lot is already done in the normal driving company preventively. But driving still puts increasingly higher requirements for the people. With rising traffic amount the driver has to do an increasing number of actions in shorter and shorter periods of time or even at the same time. The driver not always manages this perfectly. Today the development of driver assistance systems enables to support the driver suitably, and not to let get him possibly at all only in dangerous driving situations. Today advancements after the pure assistance already allow it to intervene if driver's reaction is missing even to prevent an accident possibly. But accidents cannot always be prevented completely. Nevertheless, the information about the other party or the accident expiry to be expected can serve to minimise the loads of vehicle passengers and other traffic participants. Integral safety encloses all measures which prevent accidents or reduce their results. Their special characteristic feature is the interlinking of same or more differently technologies of today partly isolated developing domains. The purpose of this interlinking is primarily the optimisation of performance and robustness of the passenger protection systems. The concept, development and assessment of such systems must orientate itself by the field effectiveness. Besides, the untimely evaluation of the effectiveness of the systems shows a special challenge.