Comparative study of biofilm shear loss on different adsorptive media

Effects of the attaching surface on biofilm shear loss and accumulation were investigated using two granular ac tivated carbons with very different surface structures. Experimental evaluations were performed with a completely-mixed flow reactor. The BFAC model was used to interpret the experimental results. Results showed that a very irregular carbon surface provided better protection for initial biofilm growth and an earlier start for bio regeneration than did the spherical medium. The initial biofilm loss rates for the 2 carbons were 0.0 and 0.2 day-1, respectively and the shear loss rate coefficients were increased to 0.6 to 1.2 day-1 for both carbons after complete growth. During a period of rapid biofilm growth and GAC bioregeneration, the biofilm loss rate increased as a complex function that could not be de scribed by a simple first-order loss function. /. Water Pollut. Con trol Fed., 60, 362 (1988).