Introduction to special section: BOREAS in 1999: Experiment and science overview

The goal of BOREAS is to improve our understanding of the interactions between the boreal forest biome and the atmosphere in order to clarify their roles in global change. This overview briefly reviews the science background and motivations for the Boreal Ecosystem-Atmosphere Study (BOREAS). The findings of the 27 papers in this journal special issue are reviewed. Important scientific results of the project to date are summarized, and future research directions are identified.

[1]  Darrel L. Williams,et al.  BOREAS in 1997: Experiment overview, scientific results, and future directions , 1997 .

[2]  Elizabeth Pattey,et al.  Scaling up flux measurements for the boreal forest using aircraft‐tower combinations , 1997 .

[3]  C. Woodcock,et al.  A hybrid geometric optical-radiative transfer approach for modeling albedo and directional reflectance of discontinuous canopies , 1995 .

[4]  J. Berry,et al.  A biochemical model of photosynthetic CO2 assimilation in leaves of C3 species , 1980, Planta.

[5]  Harden,et al.  Sensitivity of boreal forest carbon balance to soil thaw , 1998, Science.

[6]  J.-P. Goutorbe,et al.  HAPEX-Sahel: a large-scale study of land-atmosphere interactions in the semi-arid tropics , 1994 .

[7]  Yann Kerr,et al.  The ISLSCP initiative I global datasets: Surface boundary conditions and atmospheric forcings for land-atmosphere studies , 1996 .

[8]  Alan K. Betts,et al.  Albedo over the boreal forest , 1997 .

[9]  F. Hall,et al.  Physically based classification and satellite mapping of biophysical characteristics in the southern boreal forest , 1997 .

[10]  M. G. Ryan,et al.  Magnitudes and seasonal patterns of energy, water, and carbon exchanges at a boreal young jack pine forest in the BOREAS northern study area , 1997 .

[11]  S. R. Shewchuk Surface mesonet for BOREAS , 1997 .

[12]  C. D. Keeling,et al.  Increased activity of northern vegetation inferred from atmospheric CO2 measurements , 1996, Nature.

[13]  J. Mitchell The seasonal response of a general circulation model to changes in CO2 and sea temperatures , 1983 .

[14]  Didier Tanré,et al.  Atmospherically resistant vegetation index (ARVI) for EOS-MODIS , 1992, IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote. Sens..

[15]  Peter D. Blanken,et al.  Annual cycles of water vapour and carbon dioxide fluxes in and above a boreal aspen forest , 1996 .

[16]  C. Tucker,et al.  Increased plant growth in the northern high latitudes from 1981 to 1991 , 1997, Nature.

[17]  S. Wofsy,et al.  Physiological responses of a black spruce forest to weather , 1997 .

[18]  G. Hodges,et al.  Intercalibration, objective analysis, intercomparison and synthesis of BOREAS surface net radiation measurements , 1997 .

[19]  John E. Walsh,et al.  Recent Variations of Sea Ice and Air Temperature in High Latitudes , 1993 .

[20]  Thomas R. Loveland,et al.  Land cover mapping, fire regeneration, and scaling studies in the Canadian boreal forest with 1 km AVHRR and Landsat TM data , 1997 .

[21]  Michael E. Schlesinger,et al.  Climate Model Simulations of the Equilibrium Climatic Response to Increased Carbon Dioxide (Paper 6R0726) , 1987 .

[22]  S. Running,et al.  A general model of forest ecosystem processes for regional applications I. Hydrologic balance, canopy gas exchange and primary production processes , 1988 .

[23]  Piers J. Sellers,et al.  The first International Satellite Land Surface Climatology Project (ISLSCP) Field Experiment - FIFE , 1992 .

[24]  Jean-Louis Roujean,et al.  Transmission of solar radiation in boreal conifer forests : Measurements and models , 1997 .

[25]  S. T. Gower,et al.  Leaf area index of boreal forests: theory, techniques, and measurements , 1997 .

[26]  S. Goward,et al.  Global Primary Production: A Remote Sensing Approach , 1995 .

[27]  First International Satellite Land Surface Climatology Project (ISLSCP) Field Experiment (FIFE) in 1995 , 1995 .

[28]  A large-scale study of land-atmosphere interactions in the semi-arid tropics (HAPEX-Sahel). , 1993 .

[29]  Rebecca J. Ross,et al.  Estimating mean weighted temperature of the atmosphere for Global Positioning System applications , 1997 .

[30]  P. Crill,et al.  CO2 and CH4 flux between a boreal beaver pond and the atmosphere , 1997 .

[31]  M. G. Ryan,et al.  A physiological basis for biosphere-atmosphere interactions in the boreal forest: an overview. , 1997, Tree physiology.